Spring Break Opportunities

By: Cle’anna Moore –

With mid-terms approaching and spring break around the corner, many students are thinking about going somewhere nice, like Panama City Beach (PCB) or even home. But they are definitely not thinking about any homework, and their minds are probably already gone from being out of class for a week. For those students who have not already made plans for spring break and need service hours, here is an idea. If you still rather go somewhere besides home, how about a service learning trip?

Campus Ministries is hosting another mission trip opportunity during spring break! $250 covers trip expenses for food, shelter, and transportation. This spring semester mission trip locations will include Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Martin, Kentucky; and Rogersville, Missouri. Missions trips last from March 5th-11th. If interested, feel free to stop by the Campus Ministry office located in the main building of Francis Hall, near the guest entrance. Also be sure to ask for a mission trip form .

You can earn service hours as well as enjoy a new location with fellow classmates and meet new people. Spring weather is surely in effect and on its way, so why not knock out those hours while enjoying yourself before the school year ends?

Happy Spring!

Alexis Good South Carolina Mission Trip edited B7W


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