Journaling: self care for stressed students

While nothing can take the stress out of college life, practicing proper self-care can promote relief and focus. School can be a busy blur; however, it is still important to take time for your mental health. If you need some guidance, journaling is a great place to start.

Journaling can help relieve stress and therefore allow students to better apply themselves to their classwork and everyday life.

The process of journaling has been used for years by therapists to explore mental health issues. According to Kathleen Quinn, a psychotherapist, it is critical to look within. In her article about mandala journaling, she explains the benefits of keeping a journal.

Consistent journaling creates “a peaceful productive environment in which to sustain their working life” Quinn writes. She describes how keeping in touch with your inner-thoughts and emotions means less mistakes and better communication.

Quinn dives into the subject of the unconscious self, explaining how proper journaling can reveal mental health problems and solutions before you notice them in your day-to-day life.

If you can address the issue before it disrupts your life, you can avoid the unpleasant consequences of stress.

Now that you understand the benefits of journaling, what should you do? Pick up another hobby to add to an already busy life?

As a student, you are busy. You don’t need any more homework. That’s what makes journaling so amazing! It doesn’t have to look like a secret diary or an hour’s worth of essay writing. Journaling is an art form that you can cater to your needs.

Some journaling styles don’t even involve writing words! There is no right or wrong way to journal, just do what feels right to you.

According to a research article by Jennell Charles, “there is no clear consensus about the best techniques for journaling.” The act of journaling itself, in whatever form you see fit, holds significant mental health benefit.

Journaling doesn’t have to be overwhelming or a chore. As long as you figure out a style that suits your needs, it will be quick and easy.

An article about journaling types by The Intelligent Change lists 20 different styles, who they’re ideal for, and links to further explore. Some of these journaling styles include art, dream, and fitness journaling.

Scared to jump in alone? Group journaling lets you explore this method of self-care with a friend!

With so many different journaling styles to choose from, there is absolutely going to be one that suits your needs.

My personal recommendation is to look into creative journaling. It allows you to experience journaling in a way has no rules or word requirements. Want to fill a page with stickers? It counts as creative journaling!

Once you find a journaling style that suits you, you are on your way to having a positive relationship with your mental health.

Journaling is a worthwhile commitment for students. Students are often stressed, facing constant change, and in need of a little extra mental health support. Give it a try! You might even like it!

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